Land Use Study – What It’s All About
“Get Dangerously Savvy About the Draft 2040 Comp Plan – Land Use, Housing, and Mobility Chapters.”
Are you interested in Land Use, Transportation or Data Centers, but don’t know how they are decided on? Are you frustrated by the lack of input that you have? Do you feel that decisions are made are made without citizen input and that you only find out about them after everything is decided?
This Civics 101 Presentation is from our League Member Charlie Grymes. He will fill you in on the process of developing land use decisions in a strategic plan or a comprehensive plan, and how the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission work together to accomplish their goals. This is for you, whether you live in Prince William or Fauquier.
After we have been brought up to date on how decisions are made and the timeline for adding our voices to the decision-making process, we will develop a series of videos focusing on specific land use decisions and how they were arrived at.
We urge you to get involved, and watch and listen to the videos, for this is something that affects all of us!
Webinar #1 What’s Going on Around Here, and How Can We Find Out?
Webinar #3 June 24, 2024 Parks, Recreation and Tourism Plan Adopted in 2020 – Where is it now?
Passcode: .RQ2Sx&T
Land Use Impacts of Data Centers This is a slide presentation from Julie Bolthouse, Director of Land Use, PEC.